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7 Careers You Can Pursue with a Law Degree


Even as a junior Law student, you'll have to think seriously about your future after you finish Law School. This is because, while other fields of study come with a certain flexibility, law requires you to have a decent plan in place – so that you know what to focus your studying on.

It is recommended that those planning on studying law engage in intensive research on the many types of legal jobs that they can apply for with a particular Law degree. For example, someone that has focused on environmental law will not be able to become a successful criminal defense attorney without further study in this exact area.

As such, in the following lines, we'll introduce you to seven of the jobs that you can pursue with a Law degree so that you get an idea of what you should focus on!

Policy Analyst

A policy analyst will mainly offer advice to the senior management of the corporation they work for – or to simple individuals or legislators - concerning policies that they may also devise.

Moreover, such analysts may also research and round-up data related to public opinion and how to influence it.

Legal Editor/ Writer

When it comes to legal writing, one could write either briefs or news. A news writer analyzes things that deal with the law, no matter the environment, while a brief writer drafts briefs, documents, and motions for their clients.

Compliance Officer

A compliance officer is a person who makes sure that entities, such as corporations, firms, and businesses, comply with the latest procedures and policies that the government requires via new regulations/rules.

Such an officer helps your firm operate within legal boundaries.


As you may know, a lecturer is a person that teaches postgraduates and undergraduates academic subjects – and sometimes even vocational ones. They deal with criteria and theories of the law that their students have to learn.

However, in the US, a lecturer may be a mere assistant professor or a seasonal lecturer.


A paralegal is usually found in any governmental agency, law office, or corporation. Their main job implies preparing the legal work that an attorney needs for their case. As such, paralegals are required to have extensive Law knowledge in general, as well as of the law procedures that come with any case.

Management Consultant

Even though they hold a Law degree, management consultants have little to do with the legal field. For example, they help companies with bookkeeping, accounting, HR, organization, and many other – mainly issues that the management team can't deal with.

Legal Secretary

A legal secretary is the closest helping hand that an attorney can get while at the office. Such a secretary prepares motions, appeals, and a plethora of other legal documents that the attorney needs.

Moreover, legal secretaries may also handle case information and have managerial responsibilities as well, if needed.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, Law school doesn't necessarily label you as an attorney the second you enroll. You have more than enough career opportunities to choose from when you finish your studies.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, you have to make this choice before you start studying so that you focus on the right things and don't regret anything later on! 

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