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Should I Get a Lawyer for a Dog Bite?

dog bite

Domestic dog bites have recently been on the rise, with more people owning pets. A dog bite can be categorized as negligence by the pet's owner if they do not follow the law. Even if you were trespassing on private property, getting bitten by the homeowner's dogs can make them liable.

An experienced Orange County dog bite lawyer could better handle a dog bite case. If you are not sure about your next move after a dog bite, an attorney is best suited to offer consultation about your recovery options. It would be better if you addressed your injuries right away to avoid any further health implications. However, some injuries may appear days after the actual bites. That's why a lawyer who has dealt with such cases before can be of assistance.

The lawyer's role in a dog bite case can offer some benefits to your side as a victim. Here is the shortlist of the actions a lawyer can do for you to speed up the recovery from such a shocking injury case.

Search Dog Veterinary Records

Some owners deliberately hide their dog's veterinary records. They also neglect to give the required medications to their dogs, making them even more aggressive to other people's presence. Your lawyer can ask for the dog's records and receive answers from the vet concerning its friendliness and way of dealing with strangers.

If a dog owner disputes his dog's aggressiveness, it's your lawyer's responsibility to present feasible data to the court of law and start a litigation process. That could be the only way to bring evidence to the audience showing that the dog assault has happened without your provocative actions.

Prove Your Injuries in the Court of Law

Proving your injuries during a trial should be the only way to get complete recovery from the dog master. Handling doctors' testimonies and injury reports is a tough procedure for ordinary people. That's why the attorney's presence by your side in the courthouse increases your chances to show your injuries in front of the judge and prove the other party's negligence.

The only way to receive monetary relief for your injuries is to prove that dog bites have caused them. Even in private yards, the existence of an unrestrained dog could be a strong point to build your case around and let your lawyer prove the negligence and indifference of the dog master.

Organize an Investigation Team to Gather Evidence

If the dog master refuses to cooperate with you, a lawyer can still find the solution to build your case and oppose the other party's arguments. An investigation team could be there to help you. They can gather evidence from the scene, ask neighbors about the dog's aggressiveness, or even try to get videos showing you receiving dog bites that led to your injuries.

You could also sue the dog master for gross negligence for letting his dog unleashed. If he also used wrong practices to train his dog to attack strangers, that may be another grounds for suing him. Your lawyer can conduct an investigation and reveal the truth behind the dog bite and its basis. Evidence is there to collect and reveal. Only an experienced lawyer who has handled many cases of dog bites in the past can assist you in proving liability and recovering from damages and injuries.

Negotiate with Insurance Companies for Your Recovery

Insurance companies usually deal with dog bite claims. Their customers ensure their houses and domestic pets, and the insurance coverage can expand to cover dog bite accidents. Since insurance companies prefer out-of-court settlements for such cases, your lawyer would be the most suitable person to represent you.

Sitting at the negotiation table doesn't mean you have to be intimidated. Your lawyer can express your determination to file a lawsuit if your medical bills and wage losses aren't covered in full by the insurance company. Insurers are always reluctant to accept pain and suffering from dog bites as a lawful reason to ask for monetary recovery. Your lawyer can provide precise sums for your emotional stress felt and require an adequate recovery.

Dog bites usually hide negligence cases for the dog masters. All dogs should be restrained even if they are in private properties. That is why you need a lawyer to guide you in such cases. Even though the animals are not liable for their behavior, people who train and deal with them are responsible for any aggressive conduct and should pay the price. 

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