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How to Use a Personal Injury Claims Calculator

The terms and processes associated with law are confusing, but if you find yourself needing to file an injury claim, you will need to brush up on a few things. In order to accurately answer the question, "How much personal injury compensation can I get?" you would need to review any medical evidence...

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  3354 Hits

Hire a Top Workers Compensation Attorney Macon to Claim a Rightful Death Compensation

Working at a job is the best possible way to secure your livelihood and support your family. Unfortunately, there are accidents occurring at the workplace that leaves the employee injured or disabled permanently. Well, the employer has to settle the compensation issues with the concerned employee an...

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  3743 Hits

The Best Accident and Injury Lawyers!

If you need the assistance of a professional Accident Injury Attorney in Murrieta or Auto Crash Lawyer in Murrieta, then The Baum Injury Law Group is the right place for you. The Baum Injury Law Group is the choice for those looking for maximum financial recovery from their injuries. We have earned ...

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  3857 Hits

Wrong-Way Driver, Narrow Miss

Wrong-Way Driver, Narrow Miss

​Fortunately, not all mishaps on the road result in serious accidents. Recently, a potentially tragic set of circumstances turned into a narrow miss in Mesa, Arizona, when a driver going the wrong way on US 60 was able to correct himself. Cause Uncertain In the early morning hours of April 9, 2017, ...

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  4093 Hits

Simple Mistakes that can Hinder your Person Injury Compensation Claim

Personal injuries can include dog bites & violent assault through to injuries resulting from a car or bike accident. Though the injuries can vary widely the processes of recording and treating these injuries should follow the same steps if the injured party is to conduct a successful lawsuit against the offending person.
For instance, if the injured party has been hit by a vehicle whilst riding their bike, and they have sustained light grazing and bruising, the cyclist might conclude that since no serious damage was done, such as broken bones, that it is too small an injury to prosecute for compensation. This would be the wrong thing to do since, even light injuries are enough to claim some compensation for. Grazes and bruising can result in bacteria entering the wound and causing a nasty skin infection. So, with that in mind, here are is a short list of the most common mistakes that will reduce someone’s chances of reimbursement after an accident.

Refusing Medical Treatment

So, this would generally apply to someone that has received minor injuries and they feel that going to a hospital would be a waste of time, and that the treatment of the grazes etc could be done from home. Whether this is true or not, one thing that can’t be done from home is to record the injury on their medial files. A record of the injury backed up by the correct medial documentation and a record of the treatment given out is something that gives weight to a prosecution.
It is often the case that injuries received in any accident that at first glance seem innocuous can within hours or days turn into a pretty nasty infection. Once bacteria gets into a wound and an infection begins, it is often only treatable with strong antibiotics. This would mean seeing a medical practitioner at a hospital or a doctors practice. Complications like these would in most cases make the injured party think again about suing for some sort of compensation. Having gone to the hospital at the time of the accident would not only help with the medical records but also pre-empt these kinds of infections.

Deciding Not to Call the Police

Being involved in a minor road traffic collision or receiving a dog bite, may be resolved with a swift apology and a hand shake from a sincerely sorry driver or dog walker. However, it would be imperative that a report is filed with the police for proper documentation to be received and used in any court action. A victim may not want to get the offender in any trouble, but by calling the police to record the incident will not generally get them in any trouble and all the office will do is to record the accident so that it can be used in a court of law.

Not Taking Photos of the injuries

In this day and age, it is rare that someone would receive and injury and not have their smart phone with camera to hand. I mean if people are happy to take a photograph of what their next meal looks like on the plate, why wouldn’t they take pictures to record the injuries sustained after an accident. Having on the spot picture of the injury at the time of the accident and also through the recovery process would make up an important part of any prosecution case.

Witnesses, including video recorded evidence

If there are any witnesses present to your accident, it would go well in any successful prosecution to get written or video statement to what they saw. This kind of evidence can only add weight to the case. This is one of the main reasons that cyclists, motorcyclists and some car drivers use video cameras to record their journeys.

Deciding not to employ a Personal Injury Lawyer

It is common for people who receive only minor injuries during an accident to decide not to proceed with any kind of legal action. Often, reasoning that there would be little recourse due to the nature of the injuries. However, getting a consultation from a personal injury lawyer doesn’t usually incur a charge. It would take a professional a few minutes to be able to decide whether or not you have a case or not. By having taken the steps mentioned there is more of a chance of a successful legal case and the chance of benefitting from a just financial payout.
Bio: Written by Michael Gay on Behalf of Smith Jones Personal Injury Claims Calculator

  3348 Hits

Tips To Help You Prepare For Your First Meeting with a Personal Injury Attorney

​So you've been injured and that too, due to the negligence and carelessness of someone else? Well, it would only be wise to consult a personal injury attorney in Macon to discuss your rights for claiming compensation. As you prepare for your meeting with the professional, follow these tips to ensur...

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  3381 Hits

Five Tips For Finding The Right Personal Injury Lawyer


Personal injury law is a complex area of the law and while many lawyers claim to be experts in the field, very few are actually qualified enough to handle such cases. As a practicing personal injury attorney of 18 years in Suffolk County, New York, I've seen my share of incompetent attorneys handlin...

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  3301 Hits

How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Get You the Best Compensation

With any car accident situation, it is challenging to figure out how best to approach the matter. But truck accidents are a little bit more complicated than a regular car accident, because there are so many other variables involved. If you or someone you love was the victim of a truck accident, wher...

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  3210 Hits

4 Benefits of Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer Syracuse

We never know when we might get caught in a car accident. When we do, the stress that we will be facing might get overwhelming. Sometimes, when the unfortunate situation reaches the court of law, the stress can become too much to handle. Fortunately, you can hire an auto accident lawyer Syracuse to ...

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  3811 Hits

Why You Should Have a Personal Injury Lawyer Represent YOU

Why You Should Have a Personal Injury Lawyer Represent YOU

If you have an injury resulting from another person’s actions or negligence, it would be a good idea to get in contact with a personal injury lawyer. Some might say that personal injury lawyers are sharks out to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting victims, but that is hardly the case.

Personal injury lawyers’ main job is to represent you in court so that you are not taken advantage of by negligent parties, companies, or insurance adjusters. It turns out, they are a little afraid of personal injury lawyers, and here’s why:

Personal injury lawyers are experts in their field. Many think that any lawyer would be able to do personal injury, but it takes a great deal of specialized schooling to become a personal injury lawyer. If you contact a normal, non-personal injury lawyer, you are not likely to receive the compensation that you deserve. A personal injury lawyer will ensure that you get the full composition due.

Personal injury claims to which a person is entitled are many and are not easily recognizable to those not versed in personal injury law. There are a lot of hows, whens, whys, and when-not-tos that need to be answered during a lawsuit.

Your personal injury lawyer will ensure that an insurance adjuster will not try to take advantage of you by knowing more about the procedures than anybody else. Insurance adjusters will often try to misrepresent the law to try and convince you that you do not qualify for compensation or that you are entitled to less.

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  6696 Hits

Prevalence of Dog Attacks (Updated)

For those who think that dog attacks aren't that common, just scan the news, specifically looking for reports on the subject.  You'll probably be suprised at the frequency in which these tragic events take place, and disturbed by the horrific details behind each dog attack.  Here is just a sampling:

Tucson, AZ - An 86-year-old man was walking his dog when two pit bulls, owned by Kevin Nelson, attacked both he and his dog.  Nearby neighbors came to the victim's rescue, before the police arrived.  An officer had to shoot and kill both dogs because the animals continued to present a threat.

Deerfield Beach, FL - A 13-year-old girl was attack by her pit bull.  The dog began acting erratic  and biting the girl.  Two neighbors started hitting the dog with bats, in an attempt to help the defenseless girl.  Finally, one neighbor shot and killed the dog, as it was biting the girl's face.

East Meadow, NY  - Shashi Sharma, a 62-year-old woman was excercising at a local school's track, when two pit bulls knocked her down and began mauling her, shredding her limbs.   According to reports on PIX11 in New York, the plastic surgeons who operated on Sharma, had never seen such severe injuries from a dog attack.

Pacifica, CA -Darla Napora, a 32-year-old pregnant woman was attacked and killed by her pit bull.

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  4066 Hits

Good health is crucial in order not to become a hazard on the road

Everyone, who wishes to drive, has to remember that being in good health is crucial in order not to become a hazard on the road and not risk being a cause of a car accident. Negligence towards ones physical condition can be very dangerous for any driver and might be a cause of a car accident. A good example for this is failure to acknowledge an eyesight problem.

Even though basic requirements of being able to see in a certain distance are mandatory to all those wishing to attain a drivers licence, it is not enough to ensure all drivers have good eyesight or are wearing glasses or eye-lenses of appropriate strength. Eyesight can worsen with years, so regular eye-checks should be carried out by all drivers in order to avoid possible car accidents. Glaucoma and cataracts are both typical eyesight conditions. Even though usually associated with elderly people, in practice they can affect people of any age. Also, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible with age and less able to thicken, and thus less able to focus on nearby objects. This change can come about slowly and it may be difficult to notice any difference, therefore regular checks should be undergone, even if no sign of worsening eye-sight appears.

If you have been involved in a car accident, that was not your fault, please do not hesitate to contact Thompsons No Win No Fee specialists who will advise you on your first steps to receiving the compensation that you deserve.

  5312 Hits

Burn Injuries, Texas Laws, and Texas Burn Injury Lawyers


A common occurrence in United States and Texas in particular, burn injuries is not only physically painful but is also mentally agonizing. Prospects of losing the excellence of appearances and having a social stigma are both highly disturbing for mental states of any victim.

Some of the situations in which such burn injuries could happen are residential fires, explosions, automobile accidents (leading to a fuel fed fire), heaters (including hot water), other workplace accidents, and electrical malfunction. Such risks are widespread including public places like restaurants, theater halls, and public transport systems or homes including apartment fires.


When someone else is to blame or partly at fault for a serious burn injury, sometimes the only justice that can be sought is through a civil compensation claim.

Personal injury laws in Texas are based in torts. Broadly speaking a tort is harmful act or failure to act for which the law provides necessary remedies. Burn injuries suffered due to negligence on the part of others can be a tort. Hence, generally, the victim has the right to sue whoever commits a tort for damages.

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  5455 Hits

How to safely commute - a cyclist’s guide

It may be a challenge for a cyclist to survive on the road when commuting daily, especially if you live in a big city with busy traffic. In order to avoid a hazardous and potentially fatal bicycle accident a few steps can be followed.

Firstly, remember that the cars and trucks, as well as motorcycles are bigger than you. They are aware of this, too, and may try to abuse it, in which case, as much as you would want to stand your ground, it is better to give way to them.

Secondly, planning your route beforehand may be a good idea, so that you try to avoid the busiest streets and reduce the  risk of an accident.

Thirdly, always give signals, so that other drivers know what you intend to do next. Any sudden moves and turns may lead to an accident. Also, be careful when you have to break suddenly, shift your weight back and put more pressure on the rear breaks, so you reduce the risk of rolling over. Furthermore, be alert of what is happening on the road, be aware of cars suddenly pulling out of driveways and for drivers getting out of parallel parked cars and drivers suddenly opening the doors of their car.

In addition, always take good care of your bicycle, so that it is in good condition, wear  a helmet and avoid any distractions (such as listening to your Mp3 player on headphones).

If you or anyone in your family has suffered from any injuries in a bicycle accident that was not your fault, you maybe entitled to compensation. Please do not hesitate to contact Thompsons No Win No Fee specialists who will advise you on your first steps to receiving the compensation that you deserve.

  6072 Hits