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Legal Blog

Legal Blogs for your information, legal help and support.

Urgent! Homeowners!

Don't miss the 2012 March Board of Review! If you own residential property you must appeal your assessment to the 2012 March Board of Review prior to appealing to the Michigan You will be receiving or have already received a Notice of Assessment, Taxable Valuation (including Leasehold Improvements) and Property Classification. This notice states "THIS IS NOT A TAX BILL" in bold letters on the upper right hand corner. The lower half of this notice states the time and place for the Board of Review. Non-residents have the legal right to appeal property taxes by letter. Pay close attention to the notice because some jurisdictions require residents to appeal in person!
We appeal hundreds of properties to the March Board of Review in numerous jurisdictions every year. If you contact us with sufficient time before the scheduled meeting, we can handle the Board of Review protest for you and ensure that your rights don't vanish! Contact us today.

  5333 Hits

Welcome to my Michigan Property Tax and Michigan Tax Tribunal Blog!

Welcome to my Michigan property tax appeals blog! I formerly served as a Judge with the Michigan Tax Tribunal and will share my knowledge and insight in my blog posts. I will be making regular blog posts concerning various Michigan property tax issues and how to appeal your property taxes to either the local board of review or the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Through the years I have gained a considerable amount of experience and have achieved significant tax savings for many clients. My blog will include posts concerning residential, commercial, and industrial real and personal property taxes and tax appeals. Follow my blog and contact me for all of your property tax needs!

  5661 Hits
Cron Job Starts