By Admin Site on vendredi 10 novembre 2017
Category: Personal Injury

How Big Bite Compensation is Determined

Dog bite attacks occurred over 4.5 million times in 2016, but not all dog bites are serious. A puppy's bite might not lead to injury, and some bites are minor. Other bites can lead to severe injuries or infection. Some dogs may even have to be put down because the injuries they inflicted were so serious.

Victims of dog bites hire dog bite attorneys to estimate their compensation and fight their case in front of a lawyer.

But how is compensation determined in dog bite cases?

Initial Steps Following a Bite

A victim of a dog bite should contact the dog's owner and inform the owner that the dog has attacked. The owner's insurance company will often be called. A settlement may be offered, but it's always advised to contact a lawyer before agreeing to a settlement.

Insurance companies must protect their investors, and the goal is to offer a low-ball settlement to victims.

Determination of Compensation and Damages

Dog bite laws and state personal injury laws will dictate the victim's rights to compensation and damages. In terms of damages, compensation is collected to make a person "whole" again. The level of compensation depends on several factors:

If a person has to hire someone to help them do every day chores while they recover, this will also be included in the overall compensation package.

Negotiations will occur between all parties involved:

Private negotiations will be the first step in finding an amicable resolution. Both the dog's owner and insurance company may be responsible for the settlement costs. The ideal solution for all parties is to negotiate the settlement out of court.

If a settlement cannot be reached, the case will need to be tried in front of a judge.

Court settlements are lengthy, and it will take longer for the victim to receive their money. A benefit of going in front of a judge is that the settlement is often larger. The problem is that victims fail to account for attorney fees, which are higher when an attorney has to go to trial.

There is also no guarantee that a judge will rule in the victim's favor.

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