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Basic Information
Monte Willis
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Willis & Toews was founded in 2006 to serve injury victims and their families in Washington and Oregon. Throughout our years of service, we have developed profound insight into personal injury laws and how to best navigate the claims and litigation processes.

That is why we adopted the slogan, “Navigating the maze to fair compensation.” We know how difficult and overwhelming the process can be, especially for those unfamiliar with insurance and personal injury law. This, unfortunately, discourages some injured people from pursuing a settlement that they deserve,and instead accepting whatever the insurance company offers.

We opened our firm to help injured people in our community get what they deserve. We start at the beginning with a free evaluation of your case. If you will benefit from involving an attorney, we will identify legal fault, assess and establish your damages, and conclude by negotiating or litigating the case so you get a fair settlement.
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